Customer Questionnaire | Cambridge Pavingstones
  Pavingstones Sold. Over 2 Billion!


You must contact your contractor first, and then the Cambridge distributor your product was purchased from prior to filling out this Customer Concern Questionnaire.

Product Used:

Please upload at least 3 photos (JPEG Images) of your project showing the areas of concern (2MB file size limit):

Image Attachment #1:
Image Attachment #2:
Image Attachment #3:

What were your pavingstones installed over?

Contractor Contact Info

When did you contact your contractor?

Distributor Information

When did you contact your contractor?

If your concern is regarding the white haze that has appeared on your concrete pavers or wallstones, we hope the following will assure you that your pavingstones are fine.

Efflorescence is completely natural and will disappear with time. There's no reason to be concerned that your pavers are damaged or defective. The concrete pavers are experiencing a natural process. It is a condition in all cement based products, as well as in many other paving products. The condition will correct itself with time and exposure to the elements. See below for more information: