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Creative Ways To Incorporate A Waterfall Into Patio And Poolside Hardscapes

September 02, 2014

Whether it is around your new home or a makeover to the place you''ve called home since the children were young, facing a new or revitalized landscaping design can be an intimidating task. "Where should we put this and that?" "Which materials will provide lasting beauty with minimal maintenance requirements?" "How do we stay in full control of the outcome - even when certain aspects of the design the need to be put off?" These are among the most common questions and concerns of homeowners. It is my opinion that maintaining a strong sense of symmetry from start-to-finish is a good rule to adopt.

Hardscaping Can Take The Patio Experience To Higher Levels

In poolside applications, waterfalls are commonly found adjacent to or integrated into hot tub designs. Here, often the spa is surrounded by decorative manufactured wallstones notched in a way that allows water to egress into the pool. Flat wall caps will also allocate sections around the water feature for waterside seating. More adventurous designs allow for activities such as a waterslide that incorporates natural or artificial rock forms with hardscape materials (pavers and wallstones). Colors and textures inspired by natural stone are innate to today''s hardscape materials, offering designers and homeowners a full range of options when creating a visually pleasing and fully-functional ambience. Be sure to check the wide range of colors, styles and textures available from leading hardscape material manufacturers like Cambridge.

If your outdoor plan does not include a pool or hot tub, don''t dismiss the notion of including a waterfall before considering other means to achieve that objective. For example, if your property has a slope, you can have your contractor install a recycling waterfall that follows the path of a paver walkway and steps. A much simpler course to take is to install fully-assembled or pre-packaged outdoor living room water feature components. There are several to select from including those in the Cambridge product line.

With Cambridge Pre-cut/Pre-packaged Waterfall Kits, you can easily add the peaceful sound and visual appeal of a freestanding waterfall to your backyard ambience and forego the custom design/build factor. At 7'' wide with a round or rectangular 24" waterfall, these lighted Cambridge patio components come in a choice of colors complete with Olde English Wallstones, basin, pre-filtered pump chamber, pump and filter mat. They are low-maintenance and can be assembled and running in less than a day. Depending on the desired illumination, you can select one light color or run 16 sequentially by remote control.

The allure of fire and water is combined in the fully-assembled, Olde English Outdoor Fireplace with optional, lighted waterfall/firewood box combination extensions. There may not be a better way to stimulate the spirit of outdoor living. With this multi-functional outdoor living room component, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a crackling wood fire with the hypnotic sound of a waterfall.

If space is a factor, Cambridge also offers lighted pre-packaged fountain kit and a water feature with 3 fountains complete with basin, pump, hardware and instructions as a waterfall alternative.

Talk to a professional landscape designer or contractor experienced with building poolscapes and/or water features. Ask to see their project portfolios and request references. Find out what brands they use and recommend. Expect to gain added confidence if you recognize a specific brand or brands of hardscape materials that have impressed you on network and cable television especially when a brand is featured on home and garden television segments. You can also peruse the many online resources, social media platforms and literature such as consumer magazines, home design and remodeler publications, in addition to manufacturers'' brochures that inspire ideas such as the 108-page Cambridge Outdoor Living Room Guide where ideas and trends are abundant. Trusting your instincts is paramount to success.

Charles Gamarekian

About the writer:
Charles H. Gamarekian is the Chairman/CEO of Cambridge Pavers Inc. He is one of the founders and a current board member of the Interlocking Pavement Institute. Organized in 1993, ICPI is the North American trade association representing the interlocking concrete paver industry and considered by peer associations around the world as the leader in development and dissemination of technical information for design professionals and contractors. Mr. Gamarekian is recognized worldwide as an expert in his field and is a frequent speaker on the proper installation of pavingstones, wallstones and many outdoor living products.