Why a Pavilion?... - Cambridge Pavingstones Blog
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Why a Pavilion?

March 02, 2022

Pavilions are sometimes overlooked as something that only large parks or other open spaces can have, and that's not the case! Pavilions come in different shapes and sizes and can offer shade, shelter, and other unique benefits to your backyard that will make you wonder why you haven't thought of getting one sooner.

Why a Pavilion?

Chill in style

Chill-in-style days to relax and enjoy the fresh doesn't always come often, so when they do, it's great to have a reliable means of enjoying your time off to the fullest. With our Cambridge Pre-Packaged Pavilion Kit, you'll never have to fear the glaring sun or pouring rain from interfering with your outdoor relaxing plans again. Our pavilion is excellent alone and can work in concert with other Cambridge kits you might have or want to add in the future.

Life of the party

Why a Pavilion?

A common question about backyard projects is, "why a pavilion?" Why not? A pavilion has many benefits, such as a shelter, seating, meeting point, café, and theatre area. With our Pavilions, you can bring your indoor living to the backyard! We all have days or nights when we are hosting some guests over, and we want a space where we can share our stories or watch the games outside. Besides fire fixtures or pools, pavilions provide a great focal point for your backyard. It attracts guests' eyes and makes the rest of your yard pop out even more. It can also be seamlessly added to your already existing garden and patio spaces.

Why a Pavilion?

Complete your space

Still on the fence about getting a Cambridge Pavilion? Another great bonus is that Cambridge pavilions upkeep isn't nearly the same as other fixtures in your backyard and is durable for all seasons! And of course, shade. While the sun is great especially coming out of Winter and into Spring it's still nice to have an area where you can enjoy the suns warmth while also being comfortable. Pavilions are a lot more versatile than people like to credit them for and I promise one in your backyard will give it the upgrade you've been desiring.