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International Mind, Body, Wellness Day

January 01, 2023

Our overall health is strongly influenced by the relationship between our mind, body, and soul; if one of these aspects is out of balance, it may have an adverse effect on the others. Every year on January 3rd, Mind-Body Wellness Day is celebrated with the aim of promoting awareness of the importance of emotions, spirituality, experiences, goals, beliefs, habits, and behaviors, as well as their direct relationship to our health. The mind is one of the most powerful tools we have to create a healthy and happy life! A positive mindset can result in improved hormone balance, a healthier microbiome, a stronger immune system, and increased vigor and energy. Oftentimes it's the start of the New Year that we get that little kick in the butt to set new goals so make this one an unforgettable one by prioritizing your health and sticking to your goals!

International Mind, Body, Wellness Day


It might be challenging to stay grounded or pay attention to a task when experiencing overwhelming anxiety or stress. Although stress and anxiety are common and sometimes biologically essential reactions, they can be harmful to your health if you experience them frequently. To increase awareness, foster wellbeing, and lessen tension and anxiety, meditation is a mind-body activity in which your attention is focused on being mindful of the present, your breath, and your mind. If you are conscious of your surroundings and body, it may be done practically anywhere! Set up an area in your outdoor space near a waterfall to listen to the soothing sounds of trickling water as you close your eyes and tune into your spiritual side.


Lowering stress and maintaining physical health depend on getting enough quality sleep. Try turning off all of your devices at least an hour before going to bed. Give your body and mind some space to unwind without interruption from outside tensions and distractions. The mind needs time to rest and refuel when sleeping. When we get enough sleep, our minds process and store memories, emotions, and new information for later retrieval. You know, so you can recall that new coworker in the office you met last week. It's important to aim for around 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night!

International Mind, Body, Wellness Day

Creating a routine

Positive routines can rewire your brain and develop life-changing habits. Afterall the brain longs for constancy! By deliberately creating positive habits, we can make desired behaviors automatic, which frees up brain space for more creative thinking and lower levels of stress. In a world when everything is uncertain, routines and habits also offer stability. Consider making some time for positive affirmations in your everyday routine. Positive affirmations allow you to confront the negative, destructive thoughts that sometimes intrude your mind and replace it with positivity. Spend some time everyday doing something you enjoy, just for you and don't feel guilty about it. Grab a book and cuddle up near your firepit with a glass of wine or spend some alone time in your outdoor pavilion breathing in the fresh air and appreciating the silence. This simple act of self-care may do wonders for your self-esteem and general well-being!

Mind-body wellness plays a significant part in the quality of our lives, whether it be through meditation or yoga, acts of kindness and service, mindful nutrition, or daily self-care and appreciation!