Professional Tips | Cambridge Pavingstones
  Pavingstones Sold. Over 3 BILLION!


Are you giving your home a Cambridge makeover? Read on for Cambridge CEO/President, Charles Gamarekian's Pro Tips!

Charles H. Gamarekian, Founder & CEO

Charles H. Gamarekian, Founder & CEO

  • Cambridge has developed color choices by listening to wonderful consumers through research efforts. Colors can either complement your surroundings, home facade, or contrast it, the creativity is unlimited.

  • Always make your final color selections using actual samples supplied by your contractor or Cambridge distributor, never just from a photo in a brochure.

  • Cambridge projects, from a patio to a full outdoor living room, can always be added on to. Be sure to discuss your vision with your contractor. You can start with a 10 ft. by 10 ft. patio, add a fire pit, a seating wall, and/or an outdoor kitchen in following years.

  • Cambridge Pavingstones with Armortec come in a variety of different surface textures. You can select different textures within the same project whether it be for the border of your patio/ driveway or in the patio itself.

  • Selecting your pavingstones' or wallstones' primary shape & color is your top priority. Also be diligent in choosing your border pavingstones and wall capstones.

  • You completed your patio last year with Cambridge Pavingstones with Armortec and Wallstones. Why not expand this year? With Armortec, the colors will match! Add a seating wall, fire pit, or full outdoor kitchen.

  • Like any other pavement, your maintenance free Cambridge Pavingstones and Wallstones with Armortec may experience stains from automobiles, the big family Memorial Day BBQ, etc. Click here to see our cleaning tips, which will help you eliminate those blemishes.

  • Everyone enjoys lighting up the exterior of their home. Light you Cambridge Pavingstones with Armortec and Wallstone installation with paver lights & wall lights. They add tremendous ambiance and can be added to existing installations.

  • When having your pavingstones or wallstones installed, be sure your contractor removes the units from multiple cubes by the band or layer for best color dispersion.

  • Be sure your contractor uses a protection pad over his plate compactor to assure no scuffing takes place on the surface of your pavingstones.

  • Have an existing concrete patio or asphalt driveway? Be sure to ask your contractor if your project is a candidate for an overlay, which will save your project time and money.

  • Be sure your contractor uses concrete sand and not stone dust when installing your pavingstones. This is an industry standard.

  • Every pavingstone installation must have proper edge restraint to limit any lateral movement. Edge restraints include Cambridge's Alliance Gator Ridge or Flex PVC, Cambridge's concrete, Edge or Curbstone and Cambridge's wallstones. A properly installed pavingstone system will be maintenance-fee for many years!